You’ve heard of Myers Briggs, right? In fact, you’ve probably done the test yourself.
Maybe even a couple times ‘cus you looked it up, forgot about it, and then someone asked you in a convo about it so you did it again. Lolz..
But other than a brief skim of the info, you probably didn’t use it to improve all areas of your life and business. How cool would it be to not only be able to keep up in the personal development chit chat, but to also use your Myers Briggs deets to make more money, serve your clients on a deeper level, and communicate like a boss?!
Say whaaaat Lexi? I know, magic.
If you know me, you know I’m totally obsessed with all the different life changing modalities that I believe everyone in the world should know. This includes my fave, NLP aka neuro-linguistic programming (if you want to learn how to use the power of NLP—and 5 additional modalities—to facilitate epic results for your clients that they raaave about from the rooftops, you’ve gotta check out my Certification program!).
It baffles my mind that this stuff isn’t taught in schools and I’m on a mission to bring it to the masses. These are the tools that allow us to do the healing work that’s long lasting and so so powerful.
Not only that, but this knowledge will support you to design your dream life in a way that works for you in all your unicorn uniqueness.
‘Cus here’s the thing, personality tests get thrown around like candy in the personal development world. And what I see is people using them on a very surface level when there’s so much useful depth in the material that never gets explored.
So let’s go deeper. Specifically, let’s talk about how you can use the Myers Briggs personality test to market to your potential client, improve the sales process of your business, and to get your current clients quantum results. You in?!
After you hit up the Myers Briggs test, you’ll be given four letters that represent your personality type, such as INTJ, ENFP, etc.
The first letter is for Extroversion or Introversion.
The second letter is for Sensing or Intuition.
The third letter is for Thinking or Feeling.
And the last letter is for Judging or Perceiving.
This information can do more than tell you whether you’re an Introvert or Extrovert. It can also give you the lowdown on how to motivate buyers and get people better results (say whaaat).
I’m going to walk you through how you can apply each of these in a practical way to do exactly that.
Le bestest Q for figuring out peeps’ level of Extroversion versus Introversion is “When it’s time to recharge, do you prefer to be alone or around other people?”
It’s not a perfect science and yeeesss I recommend taking the more in-depth test. But this kinda black and white, quick stitch method of getting to know your potential or current clients’ level of Extroversion or Introversion is super useful.
Introverts will prefer to be alone to recharge their batteries. They’re about 25% of the population. Their curiosities are usually more around the human mind and how it works versus the external world of people and actions.
They may not jam so much with the Extroverts ‘cus they like to hone their energy and go deep, so they can see extroverts as a lil shallow. Their preference is to go ocean depth with the few versus skim with many.
Another tendency is to take on the weight of the woooorld and make things personal. I’m all about accountability, but sometimes Introverts can get wrapped up in the self guilt game when things go south.
Extroverts, on the other hand, recharge by being in a group of people. They also love to play in the world of actions, newness, and shallow interest in many areas of passion.
They usually have a large group of friends, love to chat, and are often gregarious big personalities. Sometimes they get classified as impulsive.
Often times they look to the environment for ‘causes’.
How does this help you?
Well… you can speak to your potential people in a way that resonates with them by knowing this info. For example, let’s say you’re on a call with someone who you know is an Introvert.
You’re probably not gonna wanna say something like…
“Oh my goodness, this is gonna be so great! You’re gonna be in front of so many people, getting so visible, it’ll be so fast paced.. There will be so much sisterhood and networking opportunities.”
An Introvert would probably be straight up shakin’ in their boots over the sounds of that. What they’d rather hear is:
“Even though this is a group program, we’re gonna have plenty of intimate time to dig deep into your business on a soul level. Deep connections will be formed inside this space and we’ll be exploring your internal landscapes and creating epic transformation. You will be seen and heard in a safe and sacred container.”
Feeeel that difference? Ya? Ya, defs.
You can also identify what techniques are gonna be the most helpful to transform the behaviors of your clients into their desired behaviors. For example, I use NLP with my clients who want to be more Extroverted in specific situations, even if they are defined as Introverts.
The best part about having this knowledge is we’re not ‘stuck’ with certain behaviors just because we’re classified as having them. With the new awareness that these different modalities give us, we can program ourselves to become the version of ourselves we desire.
How cool is that shiz?
The Q that really draws out whether someone is more of a Sensing or Intuitive type when it comes to their internal processes is:
“If you were going to study a certain subject, would you be more interested in the facts and how they apply to the now OR in the ideas and relationships and how they apply to the future?”
Somebody who lives in the realm of the immediate and the facts is a Sensor. They evaluate the world based on the senses and they’re way more interested in experiencing now. They’re more realistic, factual, and orderly. It’s about practical application, authority, and work ethic.
Sound like you? You’re likely high on the scale of being a Sensor.
The Intuitors love the big concepts, dreaming, and seeing future possibilities. They might see more factual people as boring or blah ‘cus they’re the hardcore creatives.
They’re likely the ones coming up with the ideas… but not actually implementing said ideas ‘cus they’re more theoretical.
So let’s say you’re chatting to a Sensor on the phone and they’re interested in one of your programs. It’s that critical moment of sealing the deal. They’re probably not gonna wanna hear:
“We’re gonna create the dream life of your desires, let’s talk about the future and what you’re gonna create…”
They’re gonna feel a bit lost and like they want someone more practical to guide them. You’re more likely to wanna lead with:
“Here’s the proof, here are the results, and here’s the nitty gritty of what’s actually in this program.”
Intuitors are gonna want their future vision. Amplified. So if they’re saying something like “I wanna leave my job in a couple years.”
Following up with, “Well I have to share with you that some of my clients have left their job in less than two months! Imagine how that would feel for you…”
That’s going to get them uber dee duper excited.
“Can you remember an isolated incident in work or business that gave you trouble?”
Thinkers have a tendency to answer this question with facts and what happened versus how they felt, which is what Feelers will do.
Thinkers like to make decisions based on logic, reason, and analysis of the facts or evidence. They’re usually more impersonal when they’re making decisions and take into consideration policies and rationality.
Their choices are not often affected by time, it’s more about autonomy and order. They like to test shiz out all sciency like.
They typically remove themselves and their emotions and take an observational standpoint on what’s going to be the best outcome.
Feelers weigh the value of their choices based on past experiences, values, and how those values affect others.
They’re more associated to the past, take time personally, and remember how they felt in past experiences that are similar to the current situation.
When talking to a Thinker, you’d wanna really stick to structure and tangible results of what your potential clients are gonna get. So letting them know how much money, time, and energy they’re going to save or exactly the result they’re gonna get is uber important.
A Feeler is going to make a decision based off the values and the connection they have with you because of your own experiences. So get relatable — Let them know you were once where they are, share your story, and allow them to feel where you are now vicariously to get excited about their own desired outcome.
“If we were gonna do a project together, would you prefer it was outlined and orderly OR that it was more flexible and fluid?”
Judgers want that organization and aim to adapt the world to their own internal experience. They prefer to control things, be aware of time, and like their various organizational tools.
Because of their high need for closure, they need to have access to all the information. If you told them, for example, “there are four keys to success” and only gave them three, they’d have anxiety about what the last one was.
The Perceivers are more fluid, go with the flow type people. They really aim to understand life, adapt to it, and keep things open ended.
They tend to procrastinate and get anxiety about making decisions. They’re not fans of lists, deadlines, etc. because they like to keep things open ended.
For example, they might be reading four books at once and not finish any of them. They’re usually less competitive than Judgers.
When talking to a Judger, you can effectively close the loop for them in a satisfying way and use your services or offer as closure.
For example, as the fourth key to success (like I was just talking about), you could say it’s “signing up for this program” to offer the closure and present your offer as the solution.
Let’s say you were scheduling an event. Your Judgers would want details of things like the speaker lineup, the schedule, times, etc.
A perceiver would be more interested in the fluidity of the event, being able to have choice and pick the parts of the event most in alignment, and having the ability to come and go.
You can use this knowledge to literally adapt how you talk about the exact same thing to potential leads so you’re speaking their language.
This is just surface level info…
And look how much juicy deets there are in here! Shazam.
In NLP and hypnosis there are so many tools for becoming an influential leader and a great communicator. Having them is one thing, and then being able to intentionally use them in a practical way to amplify what is possible is next level shiz.
Did this tantalize your NLP taste buds?
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Get ready to walk away with a renewed sense of confidence and clarity. And of course, be sure to share your big takeaways with me over on Instagram (
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