When I was checking in with my assistant towards the end of March, she noted how I was at $54k+ for the year. I was like, “You know what’s funny about that? It’s been so so easy. I mean, I literally feel like I don’t work at all. In fact, do you wanna know how many hours I work a week?”
She said no, because she would be jealous.
I’m going to share the deets with you not to make you jealous, but to show you what’s possible. Because if I can do it, you can certainly do it too.
After an incredibly stressful Q4 last year, I was like FUCK THIS SHIT, this is NOT how I’m going to operate my business. So I completely tore down my existing business model at the end of November, and gave myself the month of December to just chill the eff out.
In January I definitely felt more inspired but I also told myself I was going to keep things suuuuper simple and focus way more on my BEING than taking these massive actions. Why? Because even after all the strategy, systems, and structures I had meticulously set up in my business last year, I was still left feeling depleted and totally disconnected from true self and power.
I realized that I ultimately ended up in this position because I paid little to no attention to who I was being. I was so focused on my action steps that I lost crucial parts of my identity.
In 2019 I was determined to rediscover my identity and fully step into my most powerful Quantum Co-Creatrix self—the TRUE me who is so tapped into my potent power and takes responsibility for my subconscious coding, thoughts, beliefs, actions, and vibration. The me who knows that I am made from the infinite and therefore AM infinite—ESPECIALLY when I partner with the Universe and co-create with it. And the me who knows when I co-create with the Universe in the 5D instead of just the 3D, I can collapse time and quantum leap.
I told myself that no amount of money or “success” would be worth it if I didn’t actually feel AHHHMAZING and was 111% in love with my life.
Now, while I saw that there were people who didn’t work tons of hours, appeared to love their lives, and were creating epic financial success for themselves, I still didn’t fulllllly believe it was possible for ME. So I promised myself I’d do a little experiment. For the first quarter of 2019 I would commit to doing business MY way. I would toss out all the rules, all the guru dogma, and simply follow my turn on and create from my true knowing. I would keep things simple AF and make it easy.
Inside of podcast episode 014 I’m going to share alllll the juicy details about this experiment as well as the ins and outs of the day-to-day in my business and life.
So if you’ve been struggling with how have your cake and eat it too (aka have a thriving business AND a lifestyle you’re obsessed with), you are going to loooove what I have in store for you!
Are you subscribed to The Lexi Show? If you’re not, whatcha waiting for?! I’m adding some epic episodes this year and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. So clickity-click here to subscribe in iTunes!
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