These are things we’re often taught are ok. It’s ok to judge your body. Okay to compare yourself to women in the magazines. Normal to feel shame around sexual desires. Expected to experience guilt for dressing too provocatively. Justified to be embarrassed about things your body does naturally aka get your period. Normal to criticize and even hate parts of yourself.
I don’t know about you, but I’m over it. I’ve never been one to fall in line with the status quo, but now more than ever, I’m ready to disrupt it.
I’m on a mission to help women feel EMPOWERED. SEXY. FREE. PLEASURE. CONFIDENT. COMPASSION. AWE. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. TURNED ON. Among many other things
I know saying these things is one thing, but it’s a whole other ball game to actually EMBODY them. And that’s what 2018 is dedicated to doing. I’m about to embark on a yearlong journey inside of Layla Martin’s Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching Certification Program.
To say I’m nervous and resistant AF is an understatement. I know this program isn’t about intellectualizing concepts, but instead, it’s about fully immersing yourself and experiencing them firsthand. I have no doubt there is so much magic and transformation waiting for me on the other side.
And when I’m in doubt or experiencing fear, I know I can come back to this post as a reminder that I’m not just doing this for myself, but for ALL of the women out there who have ever experienced anything less than what they desire and deserve. 👸🏼👸🏽👸🏻👸🏿
Would you be interested in hearing more about this adventure and the behind the scenes as things unfold? Let me know!! Would love to also hear what you’re most curious about 💕