Your #1 Super Power: PUSSY

Lexi D'Angelo



Lately, I’ve been re-reading a captivating book all about the power of pussy. 

Did you know that listening to your pussy is the key to finding happiness in your life and business?

I know it might sound totally weird and out there, but I’m going somewhere amazing with this, I promise! Let me back up for a hot sec

As women today, we’re so turned off and so burnt out in so many areas of our lives.

We’re **constantly** told or expected to act a certain way and to activate only certain parts of our being. We’re feeling the pressure to embrace the masculine parts of ourselves to “fit in” and “succeed”, while at the same time we’re expected to turn on our mothering and nurturing sides to fit these totally outdated and backwards ideas of womanhood.

But women are multi-faceted. We are so, sooo much more than the soft and loving, nurturer.

We are fierce. Sassy. Sexy. Spiritual. Intellectual. Powerful AF.

These parts are just constantly being dimmed or diminished by what external influences tell us we should be.

I believe that women need to be activated and turned on in ALL areas of our lives, not just the parts a patriarchal, old-school society is okay with.

And for that, we need to RECLAIM PUSSY.

At least, that’s what Mama Gena has shown me in this book, Pussy: A Reclamation.

Because to do that means to reclaim what it means to be a woman experiencing pleasure in our lives – and that DOESN’T necessarily mean sex (although it most certainly can!).

It means feeling a sense of your own beautiful aliveness and life force, knowing that your spirit and body are one and your native enthusiasm is intact. Once you’ve accepted and stepped into this reclamation, you’ll be able to reach your own highest power.

And this power will extend into all areas of your life, business, and womanhood.

As I was reading, I started thinking back to part of my own journey inside of this spiritual work.

A few years ago, one of my best friends did a workshop with Mama Gena all about pussy and reclaiming it, and I was soooo uncomfortable when she was telling me all about it! I hated that word so much at the time – there was *just something* about the word.

Or not.

I now know that my discomfort was actually from all these preconditioned beliefs that I should be ashamed to talk about the things that made me woman, that it was too taboo and private.

She sparked a conversation with me around what that meant.

Since then, I’ve started the enlightening journey of uncovering layers and layers and layers of what it means to be a woman experiencing pleasure and passion…in ALL areas of my life.

Ya, at first I was like, “WTF? Why are we talking about this?”

But my own embarrassment is just proof of the shame we’ve been taught to feel around this, and why we need to reclaim it.

Follow your internal compass

I know that women are magnets, and we can attract our desires if we’re tapped into them.

And at your core of your core is a guide to your desires. Your pussy is that guide – use it, consult it. Use your pussy as your internal GPS.

A woman’s radiance is all about relying on ourselves to feel good, not counting on someone else. Being in tune with our core and knowing how to tap into our own radiance and fulfill ourselves.

Knowing ourselves inside and out. Every part that makes us whole.

Intimately get to know every part of yourself

That’s why I’m so excited to walk a group of visionary women through the Fully Activated Woman Experience. Once inside, they’ll get intimately familiar with all sides of themselves.

Their sassy side. Their sacred side. Their sexual side.

The business owner. The lover. The mystic. The leader. The woman.

Everything that makes you, you.

And we are going to deeply explore each and every one of them, own them, and learn how to activate them and turn them on.

By owning all of this, you can attract and experience pleasure and fulfillment in your life.

But you need to truly own ALL OF IT.

Whether you’re trying to have a $5k month, lose 15 pounds, or meet your soulmate, you can’t just work on that one area of your life. Nothing exists in a vacuum, which is why I’m so fired up to explore so many horizons with these women.

As I’ve done my own work on all of this, I’ve seen how much everything totally spills over into other areas. Working on my own relationship and sexuality has ignited changes in my business and how I show up in it that are just **magical.**

I’m more confident. I’m more direct. I’m not afraid to ask for what I want and my belief and trust in my internal compass has skyrocketed.

And it’s thanks to the super power of pussy and using this power to turn on ALL parts of me.

Are you ready to reclaim pussy, uncover your internal compass, and attract pleasure and fulfillment in all areas of your life + biz? I would love, love to have you join me for this transformational (and FUN!) experience. Request an application here.  (When you join before September 13th, you’ll also get access to the special founding members price—woohoo!)



Lexi D'Angelo

Love + Spice,



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