A 5-Part Workshop to Toss Out The Cookie Cutters, Go Deeper, and Create A Process That Sparks A Fire Within You and Your Clients
A 5-Part Workshop to Toss Out The Cookie Cutters, Go Deeper, and Create A Process That Sparks A Fire Within You and Your Clients
It’s Time To Just Say “Helllllllllls No” To The Cookie Cutter Business Shenanigans.
You’ve sat through what feels like every webinar out there, purchased every course that promised to show you the exact steps to follow to hit a bajillion figures, and opt-ed into more mailing lists than you can count.
And it’s left you feeling...BLAH.
Like you’re not building a biz on your terms and in a way that lights you up every.single.day.
You crave business (and life!) on your terms, with true freedom. Not the “j-o-b” corner your biz + clients has suddenly backed you into.
Lately you’ve even been asking yourself, “Why did I start my own biz again?” Because this totes isn’t what you had in mind when you started this journey a few years ago. You expected it to be like a magical slumber party where you could have a blast and let loose, NOT an exhausting search party looking for #alltheinfoandanswers because you didn’t feel expert enough.
I’ve been there!
And it suuuucked.
I kept drowning myself in the noise of other people’s opinions and expectations, spiraling out of control with all my doubts and fears, feeling more and more lost until one day, I said,
"FUCK IT. I’m not listening to the “gurus” who are telling me to lead with ONLY business. Barf. Boring. No thanks. I'm taking a stand for woo AND business and doing both." That's when I knew the Biz Woo concept had to be birthed into the world, once and for all.

Guess what? It WORKED.
- My favorite clients were attracted to the new and way more “me” messaging.
- Even more dream clients were flocking to me left and right.
- And I wasn't having to launch programs in the "typical" way… In fact, the more I veered from standard internet marketing tactics, the more "success" and pleasure I experienced.
I finally realized that you totally CAN integrate and swirl all of your passions, desires, and quirks together to make your own unique magic. AND you can create a business model that feels fun and fabulous for YOU (not what everyone else in the industry says you have to follow!).
Waaay more often than not, we're told we need a specific system, marketing tactics, and exact steps to be successful. Don't get me wrong -- I'm always learning and growing and there IS key information that helps us grow our businesses. But…
To truly step up as a leader, you must develop an internal compass so strong that you are constantly guided and creating from it. Versus constantly seeking out the latest marketing magic bullet (spoiler alert: it doesn’t exist!).

You don’t need more info. You already have the answer. Pinky promise.
You already have the info when it comes to who you realllllllllllly wanna werk (and twerk) with, what their journey is, what magic YOU bring to the table, and how to enchant all your people no matter what level they’re at for some serious unicorn-worthy results.
You just have to unlock it.
I’ve got you covered like WHOA, girlfrand.
Join me for my latest 5-part magical workshop dedicated to unlocking your unique magic—your methodology.
Over 5 days we’re gonna dive DEEP together and uncover:

Part 1 ::
Know Your Unicorn Client
This is SO MUCH more than the usual mystery person you usually sketch on a piece of paper. If fact, we’re ditching her on the curb #byefelicia. Knowing your unicorn client is a CRITICAL piece of the puzzle which is why we’ll be using REAL clients to piece together a complete picture of exactly who you’re going after moving forward.
Magic moments you’ll be enchanted by:
- Going beyond the boring and honestly, unhelpful “client avatar” and getting to the heart + soul of your Unicorn Clients
- Uncovering who your past Unicorn Clients have been (and if you haven’t had any, why that may be and how to change it—stat!)
- Case studying them with guided questions

Part 2 ::
The Unicorn Client's Journey
One of the biggest problems with the standard cookie cutter blueprints? They assume every customer is on the same journey. Newsflash: they’re not! We’ll get clear on where these unicorn clients are coming in at, map their journey, and find the crucial mile markers so you can speak directly to them and help make the biggest impact possible.
Magic moments you’ll be enchanted by:
- Discovering where your clients are when they discover their need for you + your services
- Mapping your Unicorn Client’s journey
- Uncovering “mission-critical” markers on their journey (HINT: These are the most potent places where your help is urgent!)

Part 3 :: Uncovering
(+ Harnessing) Your Unique Magic
What’s your unique magic for getting your clients results? Are you crystal clear on this? You may not be and that’s a-ok sister! Part three is dedicated to uncovering exactly how your way of helping your clients may be different from another’s and how to harness that magic to stand out.
Magic moments you’ll be enchanted by:
- Uncovering the crucial tools + tricks you will “gift” your Unicorn Clients to help them navigate their journey
- Digging into your process to unlock your unique magic you didn’t know you had
- Figuring out how to use your “multi-passionate” personality to your advantage (I absolutely won’t be telling you to “niche down!” but I will be showing you how to alchemize your gifts together in a clear and enchanting way)

Part 4 :: Invoking The Elements to Amplify Massive Shifts
There’s a reason sacred rituals invoke the elements to enhance their potency. I’ll be teaching you how to combine the elements of earth, air, fire, and water to get your clients results beyond their wildest dreams. This is where the big shifts are made like WHOA and where most cookie cutter systems leave ya hangin. #nobueno We’ll be unlocking a multi-dimensional way to work with clients that completely transforms their results in a way no one else can.
Magic moments you’ll be enchanted by:
- Uncovering the magic of each of the elements and how they enhance your methodology
- Discovering how you can masterfully combine the elements in juuuuust the right way to create a spellbinding methodology that excites and wows
- Understanding how the elements correspond to certain cycles, seasons, and archetypes to deepen the transformation your clients experience—we’re talking layers upon layers of magic to witness!

Part 5 :: Swirling Your Methodology and Magic Together
Parts 1-4 are pretty in-depth and there’s a lot of magic to be experienced. Part 5 is going to focus on swirling all of the collective knowledge together so you can complete your masterpiece and tie a shiny bow on top. I’ll also be giving in-depth feedback on the work you’ve completed on your methodology, as well as answering burning q’s.
Magic moments you’ll be enchanted by:
- Receiving customized, 1:1 feedback on your methodology
- Uncovering next steps for powerfully moving forward and sharing your methodology with the world
- Accessing any bonus info and trainings to complete the experience with a BANG!
Wanna take a peek at some of the methodologies past students have uncovered and created?!
Check 'em out below!
Wealthy and Wild by Kornelija Vorobjova
Embracing four animal energies and UNtaming in order to be fully booked while being totally themselves.
1. Identifying your Spirit Animal
The inner stance (position) you operate from - your life story
Circular, zig-zag, or straight pattern
Distinctions exercise [tool]
The question to ask ourselves every day [tool]
2. Channeling the Inner Marketing Raven [AIR]
Current marketing
How to effectively market your services
Energy behind current and future marketing
Tangible outcomes exercise [tool]
3. Confidence of a Lioness [FIRE]
Rebellion challenge [tool]
Comfort zone challenge [tool]
Sharing uncomfortable truth [tool]
Owning your coaching methods
4. Embodying the Versatile Salamander [WATER]
Setting boundaries [M]
Creating a high-vibe daily ritual [F]
Tapping into intuition [F]
Creating desires, setting goals [F]
Dating yourself [F]
5. Authentic as a Cat [EARTH]
Your why
Your gifts
Embracing the strengths and weaknesses
6. Symbiotic Sales Conversations
Your potential client’s journey through a call
Objections are not real
Read Tarot Like a Unicorn by Pamela Chen
Tap into the magic of your intuition to become confident in your readings
My magical program is all about getting you started on your Tarot journey! I wish I had something like this when I was starting out. I was so confused with all the meanings of the cards and couldn’t even finish a reading because I was too busy trying to interpret each card with the super complicated guidebooks!
In this program, you will learn how to become aconfident Tarot reader through connecting with your intuition (instead of having to research the meanings all the time). You will discover your magical intuitive powers and even meet your Tarot Guide.
When you emerge from this program, you will read Tarot like a magical Unicorn - feeling super connected to your cards and know how to ask awesome questions that gets answers. You will know all the secrets about what to do before, during, and after a Tarot reading.
BONUS: I will also be giving you lots of cheat sheets for the meanings that you can easily refer to in a reading and done for you Tarot spreads!
So, stop wasting time looking at that little white guidebook! Come play with me and find guidance and wisdom with Tarot readings.
Module 1
WTF is Tarot - all about the Tarot + debunking Tarot myths.
Module 2
Magical ways to connect to your Tarot deck.
Module 3
Breaking Tarot fears/blocks and downloading positive good Tarot beliefs.
Module 4
Tapping into your intuition and meeting your Tarot guides. Discovering your magical intuitive powers.
Module 5
Meet the cards, full on deep dive into every card, Major Arcana, Minor Arcana, and Court cards.
Module 6
What to do before, during, and after a reading. Learn to formulate a clear question.
Module 7
Tarot spreads - sharing my most powerful spreads and how to use them in a reading.
Module 8
Magical tools you can use with Tarot!