Scale your biz. Multiply your impact + Income.
Everyone and their mom (my past self included) thinks that their coaching process is SO unique and what they do doesn’t have a systematic method or framework that it follows. Now, while yes, your process is probably unique AF (and that’s a good thing), it does NOT mean that there’s not a method to your madness.
Like I said, I was sooo guilty of this in the past. I prided myself on never ever providing basic, one-size-fits-all solutions for my clients and was convinced that every single client session was unlike the next. While yes, each session was distinctive, it didn’t mean that there weren’t certain processes, themes, and core pillars I guided my clients through.
I soon began to realize that when someone was struggling in a certain area, I had go to techniques and approaches I would take. I paid close attention and developed a system to track what I was doing and ultimately unlocked my signature methodologies.
These methodologies allowed me to be even more efficient inside of my programs and allowed my clients to experience shifts and hit their goals in a shorter amount of time.
While I’ve guided private clients of mine how to do this for themselves, I’ve never fully revealed and taught my framework inside of a course before. I figured people knew how to do this, or at least could figure it out on their own. I was wrong.
I’m so passionate about helping to my clients create multi-dimensional experiences that facilitate transformation on a whole new level and while it’s awesome that they have this knowledge, more people need to be let in on the secret. I know that with Craft Your Prosperous Course, I will be making my knowledge available to so many more women and thus create a much bigger impact in the world.
Create scalable success without having to trade time for $$$ for bigger impact and income. (No more back-to-back-to-back-to-back 1:1 calls.) It's time for you to step into the roles of Visionary, Leader, and CEO!
CYPC about guiding you to uncover the one-of-a-kind process and magic you share with clients inside of your 1:1 programs and teaching you how to extract the most potent and powerful elements to use inside of a scalable course or program (even if they're intuitive/seemingly inexplicable).
#CLICHEALERT—I know words like “scalable”, “passive income”, and “automation” can be super buzzy in our industry. But let’s be real—I’ve personally found (and so have my colleagues and clients) that it’s extremely difficult to create the income, impact, and lifestyle you desire by doing 1:1 work alone. (Hence why I’ve created this course for MANY people to access, not just my select private clients.)
Now, I LOVE 1:1 coaching. Really and truly. There’s something magical that takes place inside of the 1:1 container…however, despite my love for it, I often find myself repeating the same coaching lessons over and over again. Not to mention, in the past when my biz only centered around private coaching, I found myself becoming resentful of all the back-to-back calls I had to get on.
At one point I had 32 WEEKLY coaching clients, which means over a month’s time I would have 128 calls to get on. There was definitely no time-freedom there and I felt incredibly overwhelmed about how the hell I could get anything done inside of my business if I was always on the phone.
I knew my time could be better spent if I were able to package my brilliance and create a streamlined way for people to go step by step through it so they could get the same incredible results, but inside of an even more efficient and effective system. And so I decided to weave courses and group programs into my business model and have never looked back! (Not to mention, now I only take on 5 private coaching calls per month. It feels sooo much more spacious and fun!)
Courses have allowed me to…
- Multiply my revenue.
- I was able to immediately 3x my income by introducing courses and group programs.
- Significantly reduce the amount of hours spent inside of my business
- I went from being on 30+ hours of calls each week to 1-5 hours of calls each week.
- Impact WAY more women and help them create an impact and income of their own. Hello ripple effect!
- While I personally only serve 5 women at a time in my 1:1 programs at MAX, my group programs and courses allow for the possibility of dozens, or even hundreds to receive my teachings.
It’s all about identifying your unique methodology that gets proven results (and keeps clients coming back for more!) by providing customized—NEVER EVER one-size-fits-all—solutions.
Inside of CYPC, you will unlock your unique methodology to use as a proven framework for transformation inside of your course, while also learning how to make sure it provides customized solutions that are aligned with each person in your program’s specific needs, goals, and learning style. After all, there is NEVER one way to do anything and therefore there should never be a one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter experience.
This experience heavily focuses on how to facilitate transformation INSIDE of your course and how to create a multi-dimensional experience that for transformation inside of your course, while also learning how to gets your clients lasting results and therefore keeps ‘em coming back for more...
I’m extremely proud to say that with the courses I’ve created, I have an 80% re-enrollment rate, which means my unicorn clients buy over and over again, making it a lot easier to sell out my programs.
I want to teach you how you can create this for yourself so you not only feel extremely confident in the effectiveness and value of your course, but so you don’t have to always feel the need to find a whole bunch of new people each time you launch. It can truly be a pleasurable and prosperous experience!
Standout as the go-to thought leader in your industry by identifying and sharing your proven framework. PLUS! Prepare yourself for your best-selling book and epic keynote presentation—while also increasing the demand and value of your services.
There’s no denying it, we remember leaders in the industry because of their frameworks and methodologies. The most successful and standout entrepreneurs have taken their genius and poured it into their distinctive and sticky framework.
Think this type of thing is only for the marketing gurus and linear thinkers out there? Think again!
While yes, Jeff Walker’s “Product Launch Formula,” Marie Forleo’s “B-School,” Amy Porterfield’s “Webinars That Convert,” and Tony Robbins, “Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom” have all been wildly popular and implemented by millions of people, there are also more spiritual, intuitive leaders who have also been equally successful with their methodologies.
Look at Danielle LaPorte’s “Desire Map,” Gabby Bernstein’s “Spirit Junkie Masterclass,” Brené Brown’s “Daring Greatly,” Layla Martin’s “Love, Sex + Relationship Coaching Certification,” and Rebecca Campbell’s, “Rise Sister Rise.”
All of these were created on the basis of proven methodologies.
As humans, even if we are as woo, flowy and anti-linear as they come, we are still always searching for a pattern or a system to follow. Because that’s how we learn and evolve.
First, we mimic it—we follow it step by step so we can understand and learn it. Then, we master it and it becomes second-nature. Finally, we metamorphosize it into our unique framework that is most aligned with how we think, feel, and act.
Before you become the next Marie Forleo or Danielle LaPorte, you must unlock your methodology and create your signature course.
By creating your course first, you have the opportunity to more closely work with a group of people and see what’s landing, and even more importantly, what’s not. You’re able to test it, play with it and evolve it before perfecting it.
Another incredibly magical thing that your course allows you to do is charge higher prices for your 1:1. Why? Because when you become booked out in your private packages, there is a greater demand for your services. Courses allow you to create a selling container that positions your undivided 1:1 support as a premium service that a majority of people aren’t able to access.
The good news is that you also have a way to get your framework in front of more people who a) you may not have time to work with and b) may not be able to afford your private rates. It’s a win-win for everyone!
Inside of CYPC, I’ll guide you through the 8-Step
Craft Your Prosperous Course Pathway.
Have you ever been frustrated because you know you’re incredibly gifted but it’s super difficult to clearly articulate the transformation you facilitate with your clients? Been there! However, if you can’t pinpoint exactly what it is you do, it’s going to be very hard for people to trust that they need to work with you. We’ll be exploring how to take ALL of the elements that make you the incredible leader you are and swirl them together so you can clearly, concisely, and confidently convey the magic you possess with your ideal peeps. This is a foundational module that sets the stage for all the work (and fun!) we’ll have inside of CYPC.
Magic you’ll be enchanted by:
- Tapping into the power of your Heroine’s Journey to truly understand all the layers and complexities that make up you and your business evolution.
- Uncovering your multi-passionate method to get crystal clear on how your multitude of skills, passions, and interests work together to create a cohesive and standout brand.
- Identifying the elements that make up your Unique Magic so you know without a doubt that you’re ready to step into your true calling and purpose and that you’re in fact the ONLY person on this Earth who can answer the call.
- Embracing your brand's archetypes to create deeper resonance with your ideal clients.
- Uncovering your Potent Message so you can clearly, concisely, and confidently share it with the world.
When you join CYPC, you'll also get access to the knowledge and trainings of some of the greatest minds (+ hearts) in the industry!

aka “The Content Queen”
aka “The Systems Strategist”
aka “The Rebel Professor”
aka “The Self-Expression Guide”
aka “The Membership + Tech Guru”
aka “The Messaging Maven”
These trainings alone are worth well over the investment for the entire course!
When you enroll, you'll get access to:
- (8) In-depth Modules ($4,997 Value)
- (3) 90-minute Q&A Calls ($2,997 Value)
- (6) Guest Teacher Trainings — at least 6, but more may be offered depending on the need ($1,182 Value)
- Private Facebook Group ($597 Value)
Plus, when you enroll by May 1st, get access to the following bonuses:
- Orientation Module with in-depth lessons on time management and stepping into the role of CEO of your business, plus over 50 pages of printable worksheets, templates, and prompts to set you up for skyrocketing success!
- Early access to Modules 1-4 prior to the course beginning (so you can get started ASAP!)
- Additional 90-minute LIVE Q&A Call with Lexi before the program even begins (this is exclusive time together that no one else will have available to them)
- VIP Unicorn Pricing—when CYPC is open for enrollment at its regular price, it will be $1,497, but as a VIP Unicorn, you'll get access to CYPC for only $997 or 3 easy peasy payments of $397!
Enroll Now

How to know if CYPC is a good fit for you...
This is for you if you’re one (or many) of the following...
- You’re an entrepreneur who is looking to take your brand and platform to the next level
- You’re a coach who is booked solid with 1:1 clients and is unable to scale because of a lack of time
- You’re a multi-passionate leader who is overwhelmed by your infinite talents and ideas, but you’re ready to stop fighting their inherent gifts and embrace them in order to expand your influence, impact, and income
- You’re someone who loves creating community and thrives in a setting where you can connect with more than just one client at a time
- You’re a blogger who has a following and is looking to monetize your expertise
- You’re a healer who is ready to help more people and/or teach your skills to others
- You have done the work, embodied it and taught it to others
- You have gotten a desirable result for yourself or others
This is not for you if...
- You don’t have have a business idea
- You're totally clueless about what a target market is (pssst—it's ok if you have some confusion, we'll dive into that, but it's important that peeps understand the basic biz vocab already)
- You’re close-minded and don’t believe it’s possible for you to make money through a course
- You’re not willing to put in the work and take the action steps necessary to get your prosperous course up and running
- You don't value investing in yourself and your business
I’ve gone ahead and copy pasted some of my convos with peeps below (yes, these are real-life people)!
Jen: I would say having enough time is a big issue for me. I already know the 1:1 brings in revenue so to make less money while I spend time on content creation is scary for me.
Lexi: Thank you, Jen, this is super helpful to hear and I know you're not alone! What if you didn't have to spend THAT much more time outside of your 1:1 sessions. What if instead, you were more intentional/observant about the processes/steps/transformations you guided your clients through and recorded them to start to help your methodology and curriculum take shape?
Jen: That makes total sense, Lexi. Much more organized than I’ve been so far. 🙂
Want to learn a bit more about Lexi?
Makes sense. You probably shouldn’t wander off on an adventure with some stranger. That’d be weird.
Lexi is a Soulful Strategist for multi-passionate leaders who are overwhelmed by their infinite talents and ideas, but are ready to stop fighting their inherent gifts and embrace them in order to expand their influence, impact, and income. She meets women at the crossroads of strategy and spirituality to help them confidently unlock, claim and monetize their unique magic on their OWN terms.
After all, Lexi is a firm believer that there is never one way of doing anything and she is recognized for providing her clients with highly customized and creative solutions that are never cookie-cutter and always in alignment with their soul truths, core values, and deepest desires. Her clients emerge from her programs with an internal compass so strong that they no longer need to look to the “gurus” for advice, and instead, wholeheartedly trust their distinctive methodologies and inner wisdom to standout as a powerful leader
who have joined CYPC
Anna Vandervlugt Locke is a life coach for multi-passionate women who want to recover from perfectionism and create more alignment and joy in life and biz.
Here's why Anna decided to say HELL YES to CYPC:
"Honestly I was in for this program as soon as Lexi launched it because I love everything she does, it’s exactly what I need for where I’m at right now. Being part of her biz woo mastermind last year changed my life and business, introduced me to women who are still my closest support system, and I love her combo of systems and magic. For the past few months I’ve been planning to launch a course and know the universe handed me this program as a gift to help make the process fun, stress free, and impactful beyond my dreams!"
Pamela works with Soulful Entrepreneurs who desire to incorporate magical tools inside their existing business to enhance their clients’ experience and achieve faster results. Pamela is a clairvoyant, crystal intuitive, and creator of the Crystal Unicorn Tarot. She also co-owns a crystal boutique on Instagram (@lunaprosperity) and teaches her clients how to activate the healing magic of crystals.
Here's why Pamela decided to say HELL YES to CYPC:
In Lexi’s “Pleasurable Prosperity” retreat this weekend, my whole business totally shifted and we came up with a flow of programs and courses that feels awesome to me and totally fits where I am in my business right now!!! I'm soooo so excited to create all these courses buuut I know it will be so much more magical and bomb ass if I join this amazing program. Lexi gets what I'm about, I know she can guide me to where I want to go and holds a safe space for me to create!
I almost didn't join and was so sad but she helped me figure things out and here I am!!! So if you are on the fence to join - have a chat with her... she will come up with an awesome strategy for you whether it's time, money, whatever!!!! Yay! I can't wait to leave the program with 6-7 new unique courses (I know I'm a little bit of an overachiever). Plus I can't wait to connect with the ladies who have already joined!
Tracy is an Intuitive Mindset Coach and Energy Healer and founder of Mindset Alchemy®.
She infuses her inner-mystic into helping female entrepreneurs and coaches clear limiting beliefs around their gifts, talents and expertise so they confidently share the gifts that are uniquely theirs and create success doing what they love.
Here's why Tracy decided to say HELL YES to CYPC:
"I'm super excited to join CYPC! I’ve known Lexi for a few years and love how creative she is in infusing magic and alchemy into every aspect of her business. I specifically joined because I love how Lexi infuses all the things she’s passionate about into her business and when I read her sales page and saw how she brings in the 4 elements, that got me really excited.
I’ve been wondering how to infuse many of my Mindset Alchemy® Tools into a program and when I heard her talk about creating my methodology that is unique to me, I really loved that.
I am passionate about supporting women all over the world in connecting with and owning their gifts with confidence and infusing their gifts into every aspect of their business. I know that Lexi will support me in creating a powerful magical program to help women illuminate their gifts, transform their lives and experience success doing what they love."
Elizabeth calls herself "The Woula™" (aka wedding doula!). She helps brides and couples weave more mindfulness and intention into their wedding experiences so they can ditch the cookie-cutter wedding and plan a celebration that feels authentic, shift their focus from to-do lists and party-planning to laying a strong foundation for marriage, and have an all-around more enjoyable experience and make the most out of this special time.
Here's why Elizabeth decided to say HELL YES to CYPC:
“I am SO excited about CYPC because I am feeling really drawn towards offering more group programs. I think this will be the KEY to unlocking success in my biz. I have worked with Lexi for close to a year and am constantly impressed by her innovative approaches, ability to help me tap into my intuition, and empowering style of coaching that allows me to grow and blossom in the way that will make me the most happy, excited, and ultimately, abundant.
I know WITHOUT A DOUBT that this course will be a game-changer for me and my biz. Her trainings are always jam-packed with creative ways to think about where you are stuck, fun exercises to get your creative juices flowing, and a safe space to ask questions.
Her expertise in fun and pleasure are HUGE for me. I'm very used to being an overachiever and feeling pressure to follow the mold so having her constant push towards fun, pleasure and ease has been insanely important for me to create a life and biz that I love (and that allows me to work with my ideal peeps and make more money).
Her shadow work is GOLD and sheds light into a lot of ways that I am self-sabotaging and where I need to do my own inner work so that I can propel my life and biz forward.
I am also obsessed with all things woo so the way she weaves spiritual tools like astrology, crystals, and tarot into her biz and trainings make her that much more fun to work with. I always walk away feeling more clear, more empowered, and more excited about the direction of my life and biz.”
Fabiola is a multi-passionate mentor who helps women overcome blocks that hold them back from owning their beauty, wisdom and strength. ⚡️
Here's why Fabiola decided to say HELL YES to CYPC:
"I joined CYPC because I want to craft a program that really supports my clients in the way that they need to be supported and I want to do so in my own way, using my own unique magic. Having worked with Lexi a few times now, I know she’s the perfect leader to help me uncover what’s been brewing inside of me for quite some time, bring it to life and share it with the world!"
Elysha EMbodies a multi-passionate BEing with a mission to fuse healing of the mind, body, and soul to guide others to achieve optimal wellness. A fanatic of all things outside of the box, part of her Aquarian nature, lead her from allopathic medicine to all things magical in healing. Founder of EMblaze Your Soul, her biz currently in the works with the intent to guide others to live a life that sets their soul on fire!
She recently gave a talk for Autoimmune Mastermind covering Childhood Imprinting, how being an Empath is Empowering, and Recalibrating Your Intuition. Her tagline in biz and life is EMbrace. EMpower. EMerge.™
Elysha is an aspiring writer, a fan of wordplay, hidden meanings, astrology, numerology, and believes healing can be chaotic yet beautiful, and even fun.
Here's why Elysha decided to say HELL YES to CYPC:
"For me, it was a FUCK YES TO LEX. I feel energy deeply, and Lexi vibes all the beauty and Soulfullness of Love that is contagious. I cannot wait for this magical journey, fully trusting my intuition, Lexi as a badass inspiration, and knowing the Universe has my back lights me up—and my heart is bursting with glittery goodness!
CYPC drew me in energetically, and logically. The 8 steps seamlessly flow into the perfect concoction. Between unlocking your methodology, facilitating transformation, and selling with SOUL—it’s so in alignment with everything I believe to breakthrough and change lives."
Isabelle Sheffield calls herself the ‘Do What You Love’ Queen. She helps entrepreneurs do what they love, have more fun, create an impact and make more money by working with them to uncover their ultimate blend of soul and strategy and unique business balance.
Here's why Isabelle decided to say HELL YES to CYPC:
"4 WORDS - MULTI PASSIONATE MAGIC MAKER haha…Seriously when Lexi started talking about this ‘multi passionate’ concept I felt like my heart skipped a beat. I have been battling with a ‘title’ and a ‘niche’ for forever and it has kept me stuck and confused.
Coming from a marketing background I have felt trapped by the marketing rules we know we ‘should’ follow…but over the years as I have been peeling back the layers and shedding my business skin I have felt more and more like I absolutely did not want to play by those rules any more… So when she announced this course and changed the group name I seriously felt I was given permission to break all the marketing rules and do whatever the fuck I wanted in my business…I feel like its unleashed something in me and I can’t wait to create my course and go gangbusters in my biz!!!!!!!!!! ps > this will be my 3rd course with Lexi and know it will not be my last!"

Hell yes! I'm ready to enroll and make magic!